Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Best List

No intro can adequately explain this if you weren't there, but I want to share it.

Best Best List: Theo's Best List

Best Star: The Sun
Best Cluster of States: The United States
Best Sweatshirt: Red-hooded
Best Color in a Dark Room: Black
Best Combination of a Pen and a Pencil: Erasable Pen
Best 'so ugly/it's cute' animal: The Sloth
Best Basketball Player: Wally Szczerbiak
Best Wedding Band: Diamond Ring
Best Birthday Song: Happy Birthday to You
Best Patriotic Chant: The Pledge of Allegiance
Best Color for an Alien: Green
Best Canine: Dog
Best Part of Turkey: Gizzard
Best Spanish Partner: (tie) Luis and Wax Luis
Best Wizardry Movie: Harry Potter
Best Round Sphere: Ball
Best Hot Lunch: Calzones
Worst Grass: Crab Grass
Best Thanksgiving Food: Turkey
Best Substitute for a Swear Word: (tie) Smurf and Ropebue
Best Old Movie Character: Jem Finch
Best Ice Cream Serving Restaurant: Dairy Queen
Best Tree: Christmas
Best Snow-Involving Sport: Snowboarding
Worst Piano Player: Emily
Best Burger: Cheese
Best Space Business: NASA
Best Grandpa/Math Teacher: Dahlberg
Best Phone: Cellular
Luckiest Rodent: Possum
Best Neutral Color: (tie) Black and White
Best Normal Place to get Pierced: Ear
Best Cat Toy Store: Delca Cat Toys Co.
Best Doll: Wax Troll
Best thing of Anything Idea by Emily: Dead Sheep Eating a Bucket of Wax
Stinkiest Animal: Skunk
Worst Whale-Tagger: Bruce
Best Frickin' Beam: Laser
Best Dad Smurf: Papa Smurf
Best Camper/House: Trailer
Best Food: Hot
Best Teeth Decorations: Braces
Best Juice: Orange
Best Blood-Sucking Insect: Mosquito
Best Blood Sucking Animal: (tie) Bat and Wax Bat
Best Blood-Sucking Person: Dracula
Best Posture: Leg-leg
Best Day: Saturday
Best Way of Beating a Team in Basketball: Burying Them
Best Moldy Cheese: Blue Cheese
Best Time-Keeping Device: Clock
Best Protable Bathroom: Port-a-Potty

Best Thing of Anything: Mr. Dalhberg trying to jump wax hurdles with a troll wig on

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