Sunday, August 12, 2012

Kari on the Olympic Opening Ceremony

I've been meaning to document this for a while, and figured with the closing ceremony tonight, this is my last chance.

My mother is quite possibly the sweetest woman I know. But every once in a while, she has a snarky side that comes out that I absolutely love. I got a quick glimpse of it the last time I was home when the two of us watched the Olympic opening ceremony (it was On Demand) and I quickly learned that she had a lot to say about it. In case you missed it or wanted a different perspective, here is a quick recap from the eyes of Kari:


"These people sound boring, probably because they are." - Mom on the announcers.
She wasn't the only one annoyed by Matt Lauer. Check out Shut Up Matt Lauer for more. Image credit.

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"Look at that frightening baby, what is that?!?!" - Mom

Giant Voldemort Image Credit
In response to the announcer saying "[JK Rowling's] books made it cool to read again"
"No they didn't. Goosebumps did!" -  Mom

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"Yea, right." - Mom

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"This is just weird." - Mom

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"Looks like a mess." - Mom

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"Probably could've used a little less grass." - Mom

And my personal favorite:

"What are they gonna do with all that grass after this?" - Mom

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