Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alphabet Project - "Hospital" by Lydia

My new idea for keeping this blog alive will reveal a certain degree of my OCD. For the past few months, I have been sporadically but systematically going through all the songs in my iTunes . . . alphabetically.
It has unearthed a few gems, and I am going to try to post the highlights here.

Since I am on the H's, today I discovered "Hospital" by Lydia. It is off their album Illuminate (2008), which I'm not as familiar with but like so far. I spent a few years of my life being obsessed with the album This December; It's One More And I'm Free (2005 - please check it out). And I just found out there's a new album I don't have yet! Assailants . . . I must have it.

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