Thursday, September 8, 2016

Amen Omen - Ben Harper

I've had a "few" crushes in my life. They come and go, but some of them leave some little precious stones for me to keep. Some examples:

  • my high school crush, THE high school crush, played guitar, I learned how to play guitar solely to impress him. While my crush soon fizzled, I still love strumming my guitar.
  • a college crush was obsessed with Ben Harper. Prior to meeting crush, I hardly knew who Ben Harper was. While I failed to love Ben Harper with as much zeal as said crush, this song will always be a nostalgic treasure to me:

p.s. freaking blogger is so lame, I know. It won't support .jpgs from >1 year ago but it seems like the embedded videos stick around. Sorry about that, I'm going to try to only post stuff that directly feeds from another site so it doesn't turn into an error message in later scrolling.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Nostalgic Perfection: James Franco sings Everytime

A wtf moment that turned into something magical; just give it a moment to sink in. And watch this movie, you aren't too fucking cool to watch Spring Breakers. Get over yourself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

THIS SONG: Creature Fear

Consuming my brain and my dreams. Seriously, I had a dream where this was the soundtrack. With so many incredible Bon Iver songs to choose from, this one often fell by the wayside. I got to hear this live last weekend, re-read the lyrics, and now I can't get enough of it. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

GIRLS Drinking Game

During the hit HBO series, Girls, drink every time:

Marnie - pity party
Hannah - shows her tits
Adam - says "kid"
Shosh - refs her v card
Jessa - swears

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to be Nigel Tufnel

Chew gum smoke constantly
One louder
Best leave it unsolved
Butt chin
No sleeves
Sock in crotch
Eveshadow. Light baby blue eyeshadow
Checkered guitar strap
Dark black bracelet
Glittery eye-shadow
Sleeveless anything
Hair dye cub
Blow up guitar
Green paint

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Life hacks

My favorite life hacks from this site:
1. If you ask someone a question and they give a short response; Just wait, keep quiet and remain eye contact. They will usually pick up where they off from.
3. If you make yourself joyful, and excited to see someone, they will return the vibe. Maybe not the first time, but the next for sure.
4. If you get nervous from public speaking or get butterflies before a roller coaster, try chewing some gum. If you’re eating something, it tricks our brain to think “I am not in danger because I wouldn’t be eating right now.”
5. If you’re joining a conversation, look at the person’s feet. If they don’t turn their feet and just turn their torsos, they don’t want you to join in. In the same way, if talking to a coworker, and you think they’re invested in the conversation. If their torso is turned towards you and not their feet, they probably want it to end.
6.If someone is angry at you, just stay calm, it’ll tick them off more, and they’ll ashamed about it after.
11.When you just meet someone, refer them by their name, people love hearing their name. It will build up trust, and a friendship right away. If your friend introduces to his friend Mike, when it time to say bye, don’t say just bye, but instead say “Bye Mike”.
15. People are extremely in tune with their sense of touch. If someone mistakenly rest their knee on yours, they might pretend it didn’t happen, but they knew it was there the whole time.
16. When you have you have an interview, ask your interviewer as many questions as you can. Ask them about what they do for work, really listen to them. They will walk away from the interview feeling like a million bucks because they got a chance to talk about themselves. They will think the interview went well. It’s a psychological thing.
17. Your chances increase for success in a relationship if your parents and your friends get along with your special someone.
18. Jokes tend to be less funny when it have to be said again. Well, use it to your advantage when a jerk makes a joke at your expense. Play deaf, make them repeat it, by the third time the joke will hearing crickets.