Friday, September 14, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Quote

My dad was the greatest dad in the world because you were the worst.
My dad went to Bronx side high school where he was the student editor of the paper.
When he graduated he went to Rutgers, where he majored in Biochemistry.
He met my mom in a bookstore
and he asked her to marry him in Norwalk, Connecticut.
And every summer we'd go back to Toby Pond and he would ask her to marry him again.
The day I was born he pressed leaves between wax paper
and they still hang there in the bedroom window.
He wanted to become a scientist but he became a jeweler so he could earn money for our family.
He loved the smell of gasoline.
He hated tomatoes.
He never talked to me like I was a kid.
So in a way, your boots are heavier than mine.
                       -Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

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