Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kids and Animals "Dirty City"

I think the sky looks pretty
With all this fog in a dirty city
And I know how far we have to fall
I think the girls look pretty
With bad skin in a dirty city
And I know what's coming to us all
It ain't pretty

I think the sky looks pretty
With all this fog in a dirty city
And I know how far we have to fall
I think the girls look pretty
With bad skin in a dirty city
And I know what's coming to us all
But don't worry

God said let the light
Make you beautiful all right
And god damnit it was so
God said let the light
Make you beautiful all right
And god damnit it was so

I think the sky looks pretty
With all this fog in a dirty city
And I know how far we have to fall
I think the girls look pretty
With bad skin in a dirty city
And I know what's coming to us all
But don't worry

God said let the light
Make you beautiful all right
And god damnit it was so
God said let the light
Make you beautiful all right
And god damnit it was so

Stars are just exploding ghosts
And I like books about dogs the most
Cause dogs come from the fire too
And all my god damn dreams are coming true
I find myself falling in the strangest places
And whole wide world speaks a different language
The stars all start to fall apart
To the tenor of your breaking heart

1 comment:

  1. From an interview:

    What is “Dirty City” about? Anything you hope listeners will take away from this song?

    Alex: I like to think of “Dirty City” as a pretty happy song. When I wrote it I was in one of those rare moods where you are just smitten with everything. It’s like puppy love for the whole universe; everything just seemed the same, you know? All matter originated in stars, from gold to garbage. We just don’t see the beauty in the garbage because we’re taught not to see it. So I guess I hope that listeners will hear this song and feel the same way I did when I wrote it. I hope that they’ll see the loveliness that pervades every corner of existence.
